Building Permit Documentation

Garage, dwelling, fence, pool, shed, deck…Watershed offers building permits for every lifestyle.

Documentation generally required for a building permit

Supporting documentation must be provided to the building surveyor when applying for a building permit. The documentation required will vary based on the type of structure you are building, e.g. a shed, dwelling or deck, the location (siting) and the use of the structure. Generally speaking, a building permit application will require at least the below documentation to be assessed by a Building Surveyor:

Application & appointment forms provided by the building surveyor
Title and Plan of Subdivision
– Building Contract or Owner Builder Certificate of Consent
Council Property Information (Regulation 51(2))
– Council documents such as ‘Build Over Easement Consent’ where applicable
– Working Drawings / Architectural Drawings
– Structural Design by a Structural Engineer

Sheds requiring a building permit

Under the National Construction Codes of Australia, a shed is a ‘Class 10a building’ and requires a building permit if:

– the floor area exceeds 10m²
– it exceeds 3m in height
– it’s within 1m of the boundary and exceeds 2.4m in height
– it is located closer to the front boundary than the existing building on the same allotment
– it’s the only building of its class on the allotment and is within 9m of the front boundary or within 2m of the side boundary
– it’s constructed of masonry
– Visit the Victorian Building Authority for further information on when a building permit is required.

Intended use is relevant to the building permit

When applying for your building permit, the use of the structure should be specified in the application.

Sheds that fall within a Farming Zone (FZ) may not require the applicant to obtain an Owner Builder Certificate of Consent.

Commercial sheds require consideration of property overlays, setback requirements, vehicle access and parking.

Consider whether the structure will be used for work, storage or living.

Get started on your building permit by requesting a quote.